RoyalSwap Affiliate Setup Help

The RoyalSwap affiliate program (when configured) offers an affiliate payment for every swap that happens on your discord server. The payment is always made using the incoming coin.

RoyalSwap Setup Support

The RoyalSwap affiliate setup is designed to be fully self-service for server owners, however if you have setup issues and have at least 150 members on your server, you can submit a request ticket on our discord support server for one of our setup experts to assist with diagnosing permission and setup issues here.

STEP 1: Create a channel

Create or select a channel that only your administrative staff,, and RoyalSwap can see and view messages in. The bot and the RoyalSwap bot must both have read and write access to this channel at a minimum. You can select an existing channel that already has another purpose but the incoming data there will often get spammy when the bot is busy taking swaps.

STEP 2: Specify the channel to RoyalSwap

Run the /royalsetcontrolchannel <#ChannelID> slash command and enter the channel you would like affiliate payments to occur in

STEP 3: Specify the Affiliate User

Run the /royalsetaffiliate <@userid> slash command and enter the user that you would like to recieve the affiliate payments for your server

Payment Calculation

Your affiliate amount is calculated after the swap is complete. The formula for determining each affiliate payment is below:

(TaxAmount - ExpectedTradeLoss) X AffiliateRate

What is Tax Amount?

Tax amount is the amount of the coin that was charged to the trading user upon completing his or her swap. These rates are shown per-coin on the /royalrates command. The amount is simply calculated by InputAmount multiplied by the tax rate %.

What is ExpectedTradeLoss?

Expected trade loss is the amount of the coin that RoyalSwap expects it will need to need to pay in transfer and trading fees to move the coin to an exchange, trade it, and move it back in something more needed. This overhead is small but necessary for maintaining the bot's wallet balances and ensuring everyone profits from the transaction at a fair rate.

What is your Affiliate Rate?

Your affiliate rate is based on the number of members on your server. It goes from 0% to 30%. The graph below shows approximate rates per member: