What is RoyalSwap
RoyalSwap is a discord bot that is able to swap crypto currencies from one currency to another using crypto tip bots.
How do I use Royal Swap to swap crypto currencies?
To use RoyalSwap, you will need to be logged into discord, on a server and channel that has RoyalSwap installed, and have a crypto currency that you would like to exchange for another on one of the supported tip bots.
To begin, use the tip bot's tip command to send RoyalSwap some of the currency you want to swap. Then, RoyalSwap will produce a trade quote screen displaying the transaction fee percentage, transaction fee amount, and the remaining value of your swap. It will also display any coins or tokens that you aren't able to swap with, and finally, at the bottom will be several drop downs listing the coins and tokens that you can swap for. Choose one of the coins or tockens from these drop downs to finish the swap.
How do I use the RoyalFaucet command?
To use the RoyalFaucet, you will need to be logged into discord, on a server and channel that has RoyalSwap installed and the faucet configured.
Use the /RoyalFaucet slash command from the discord chat menu to activate the faucet and receive your faucet payment.
How do I use the Royal P2P trading feature?
To use the Royal trading feature, you will need to be logged into discord, on a server and channel that has RoyalSwap installed and the server owner must have designated the channel as the server's trade channel.
Use the /RoyalStartTrade slash command from the discord chat menu and type the name of a user you wish to trade with to activate a trade.
Both users then tip RoyalSwap their trade values, and RoyalSwap will hold those values in escrow. Then each user locks their side of the trade, reviews it, and then confirms the trade.
Once both users have confirmed the trade, RoyalSwap will send the appropriate trade amounts to the correct parties.
RoyalSwap protects against several types of fraud and trickery including decimal amounts being off, ghosting, major market price swings, and lock-in issues.